Thursday 29 September 2016

Ignite presentation learner response

WWW - strong links to films 
Talks about wider issues like black lives matter 
Some audience theory 
Good pace
Historical texts like Boyz n da Hood
Reference to public enemy 

EBI - better groups of history, civil rights 
Some slides lacking images 
Reference more things such as the documentary 
Lacks structure 
More detail about public enemy 

My presentation will lead to my question about how black people are represented in the media and how in today's society they're mistreated and with the use of rap trying to get their point across but are they reinforcing the stereotypes that the media portray them to be. For example rap is seen to be the way for those who are black to express how they feel through the words of their lyrics which the media and society don't show. Even though this is the case there are some cases where the stereotype of black African Americans are reinforced through rap music such as saying to shoot people and doing drugs although rap is used for a way to express the reality of how blacks are inferior and undermined. There is a moral panic in society today which young people are heading towards the nature pf violence and gangs, they're getting more involved with crimes and not having a positive impact in society. This is also a negative stereotype in todays media and the negative ideology that we all have in society today which is now been transmitted through the use of media texts.

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