Friday 2 December 2016

BFI Notes


Collins, H., & Rose, O. (2016). This is grime. London: Hodder & Stoughton.

page 26 - Maxwell D: "I think for all of us that come from harsh realuity, it helped us with our passion, it helped us with music."

page 27 - Wiley: "I was always aware of black on black. I don't like to say that, but it's true. It was a lot of mates falling out, a lot of robbing, kidnapping, shooting, stabbing."

Monteyne, K. (2013). Hip hop on film: Performance culture, urban space, and genre transformation in the 1980s. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi.

page 40 - "The entire corpus of the hip hop musical thus represents an army of ideological positions, and within particular texts themselves we find multiple social and political attitudes."


King, D. (2006, May/June). Black filmmaker. Soundtrax: Experimenting Hip-hop.

page 43 - "Hip-hop is a form of expression - how we make and portray ourselves to the world."

Spence, J. (2004, September/October). Black Filmmaker. Partners in Porn.

page 41 - "The powerful images of an intense but excited African-American inner city neighbourhood, shouting 'fight the power'."

Spence, J. (2004, July/August). Black filmmaker. Rappers vs Actor.

page 38 - "It seems hip hop artists have been accepted into the Hollywood fold and look set to stay."

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