Tuesday 17 January 2017

Preliminary exercise: Recreation task

  • Name of the text you plan to recreate:
410 (Sparkz, Y.Rendo & A.M) - Think Again [Prod. Bkay] (Music Vid)
  • Scene/section you will recreate:
0:32 seconds to 1:04
  • Location you will use for your recreation:
Dormers Estate
  • Actors you will require for your recreation:
  • Props/costumes you will require for your recreation:
  1. Bandanas
  2. Hoddies
  3. Jeans/Joggers
  4. Hats
  5. Gloves
  6. Ciroc bottle
  • Equipment you plan to use:
  1. Camera
  2. Computer
  • Any other relevant information:
*It will be shot at night/day depending on the noise the camera produces and lighting of location

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