Monday 21 November 2016

Historical text analysis and research

N.W.A - F**k the police (1988)

N.W.A were a group during the late 80s and early 90s. The song that they produced which caused a lot of controversy was f**k the police. The song was created to describe the hate that people have for the police because of the way they treated black African Americans during the 80s in America. Racism has always been an issue for those who are black; the police have abused their power and have harassed black males/females for the stereotypes that have been created of them. This links to 'Straight Outta Compton' because one of the most iconic scenes in the film was during the concert where N.W.A were told not to play the song but ended up doing so which lead to them getting arrested. The lyrics in the song are explicitely telling the audience that it's the police who are at blame here and the black community who are the victims in this scenario. 

The genre of the film itself is an historical one which is based on the music which was created by N.W.A and their lifestyle. The rap genre has always come under criticisms for the explicit things that it talks about or shows which in this film also addresses. The wider issues which the film discusses is racism and we've always had to live with it which is why people in America and all over the world who are black are stereotyped in such a negative way which portrays them as pimps, drug users/sellers and whatever else they've been compared to. 

The music video for this had come out in 1988 which is now nearly coming up to 30 years and even now during this time of age we still have people who are being racially abused for the colour of their skin. The song addresses the hatred towards police which we can still see now through the black lives matter campaign and police have still been accused for abusing their power on the black community to show their authority.

The society that the artists had lived in which is in South Central La has been seen to have high crime rates, drug usres and the absue of alcohol. There has been a change from all of this whereas before we also had the gangs which dominated the steets but now rather than that being the case there has been less cases of the happening and less people joining gangs but still a high rate.

Other texts:

N.W.A - Straight Outta Compton music video
2pac - Changes
Public Enemy - Fight the Power 
Boyz n the Hood

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