Tuesday 21 February 2017


www - some engagement with values/ ideology and some effective quotes that you've identified on this but often lacking proper analysis.

Fairly well presented bibliography (apart from the film/track lost - needs more work)

ebi - Shorter paragraphs

Many more academic books and references needed

Need to link boyz n the hood more

Link the main text to wider content 

Reference theories

Include post-colonialism, Alvarado etc.

What I'm going to do - Fix the footnotes and bibliography in alphabetical order

shorter paragraphs 

add more context

sort out the spelling mistakes

 page 1:

www - used research very well
Used a range of media texts
Understanding of the media text and the theory used 

ebi - could've added more theory 

page 2: 

www - good use of wider context when discussing crime, poverty.

ebi - need more theories. There are places you could use representation theory.

page 3:

www - great focus in the representation of the Black community and using quotes to justify your point.

ebi - include moral Panics as a theory in this talk about how after 9/11 the fear amongst black people became less important 

Page 4: 

www - correct order 

ebi - italics 

page 5:

ebi - alphabetical order 

page 6:

ebi - information about the tracks 

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