Monday 6 February 2017

MEST4 Linked production: Research and planning

1) My group will be creating a grime music video and the song is called call me a spartan by Harlem Spartans. This will incorporate the themes of the youth and stereotypes, how violence is portrayed in real life through superhero and villain films and if video games are the reasons for violence in real life.


This music video is the one that inspired us to recreate our video. The concept of violence which is a key concept of crime can also link yo the other topics of superheros/villains and how people try and incorporate that in real life.

This can be seen throughout the music video as the clothing being presented is seen to be associated with the youth culture and gives a poor representation of them.

The area is also shot in an urban one which is a key concept of grime music videos and the whole genre itself which we would need to incorporate in our video.

There's is also the use of alcohol which reinforces that lifestyle of people being rebellious and doing as they please which is a stereotype of the youth itself.

There are also a lot of hang gestures which are seen in the video which are usually gang signs and symbols which mean someone has been stabbed, killed, shot. Ect.

The clothing in the video is also hoodies and tracksuits which is heavily incorporated with the grime genre, the youth culture and someone who is seen to be selling drugs or causing harm to societal norms and values.

The lighting also has an impact on what the audience see and the overall affect it has. High key would allow the audience to see the person whereas low key wouldn't and this is done to cover the persons face in music videos to present them as not having an identity when doing illegitimate things.

Also, there are alcohol bottles which are shown to present the wealth of the individual as bottles of alcohol can be expensive and materialistic goods are seen to present the overall wealth of an individual.

The props used in this were bottles of alcohol, chains, diamonds, money and this is done to present the lifestyle of someone who is in an urban area making money illegitimately which highlights the overall wealth. Although it's illegitimate it is backed up by the point that they had to make money some how.

The clothing for this is more expensive and are used to highlight wealth again but moves away from the stereotypical youth that people think associate themselves with clothing which are hoodies and tracksuits.

The lighting in this is high key and is used to show the diamonds, the money and all the materialistic goods which are seen in the video.

There is also the use of cars to highlight the wealth of the individual which people therefore aspire to be like as a result of watching the music video.

This video was shot in black and white which is different to the other videos shown, this could be done to highlight even further the more violent and dark side to the lyrics or the urban lifestyle the grime artist is representing.

The champagne bottles are also used to show his wealth and spilling the bottle also shows that money isn't a problem for the artist.

The car is used to highlight the money he's making and also has a female in the car to show that women are objectified in the grime genre and it's men who are dominant and have the power.

The key conventions of the videos that we need to take and use in our music video would be the mise-en-scene, this is to give the music video that grime video feel. Also, another key feature would be the choreography and have that in time with the music playing, this would also be the case with the effects that are used such as the lag and glitch effects.

3) Project schedule: when will you shoot and edit this production? Make this a week-by-week schedule leading up to Easter. Key dates: we break up for Easter on Friday 31 March and the final deadline is Wednesday 19 April.

  • February Half term- first shooting day 2 days)

  • Weekends onward depending on what needs to be shot

4) Script - see the BBC Writers' Room for advice/script formatting. If you're making a music video, you'll want to write a treatment instead. This is an example treatment that I provide for GCSE Media students studying this topic. For print productions, this means writing all the text for the cover, contents and feature articles. Write this in Microsoft Word so you can proofread and spellcheck the work before moving it into Photoshop.

Scene 1- A woman with a gas mask (light-up) enters the scene where she begins to walk

The camera is moving in the same direction that the female character is walking in. The idea is to keep the character in the middle of the shot, therefore the camera has to move to ensure this. She is wearing an LED gas mask and walks in an abandoned tunnel.

Scene 2- Two more characters appear on both dies of the female character and begin to walk across the room

The camera follows the movement of the female, until the shadows of the other two come in to the shot. There seems to be a person approaching the characters.

Scene 3- All three characters are holding a flaming torch and walk

Each character (with their masks on) have a lit torch in their hands and continue to walk. There is a slight cut in between their movement to give pace to the scene.

Scene 1- A man is standing, glancing at his phone while on his phone

The character is glancing at his phone, while the camera swings around him. Until, the character breaks the fourth wall and looks directly at the camera after the camera completes its 180 degree turn. There is an edit of fast pace in order to give that shock to the viewer when the character looks at the camera.

Scene 2- Main character uses his hand gestures to make the camera man follow him, and approaches a group of young men, who are too, hidden in masks.

The character breaks the fourth wall again, and gestures to the audience to follow him. He then approaches a group of 4 other people who are also wearing masks. There is a glitch effect clashing with the scene to give it a more grime aesthetic.

Scene 3- The main character approaches the group, and they stand their in a circle.

The character approaches, and the character with a skeleton mask nods his head. The camera moves across behind all of the characters to show all of them line up in a circular formation. 

5) Sketching and drafting - for video-based productions this means a storyboard - sheets available in DF07 or you can print out your own AQA storyboard sheet. For print productions, this means detailed sketches of all your pages.

6) Shot list - use Microsoft Word or a template like this to help you. Remember, you need a shot list whether you are filming or carrying out a print photoshoot - professional quality original images are essential if you want to reach the top level.

7) Mise-en-scene: casting/model details, costume and make-up, props, lighting, location scouting for video productions etc. Use photographs to document and plan your mise-en-scene - using your phone is acceptable for this.

Costume - The clothing used will be tracksuits and parka jackets. Also there will need to be masks such as balaclavas and even hero/villain masks.

Lighting - High key lighting because the recording will be in the night at a car park but also to show the characters in the music video and what is going on

Actors - All male and will be teenage to give that urban grime feel and look.

Props - There will be alcohol bottles, people who are smoking, weapons will also be used, cars, cups

Location - Car park in Osterly 

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